Dear Editor – Please publish the following poem:
You come whilst deep asleep
Forgetting your knocking on the slippery metal door
As the plan is to go backward under the floor
While the whole commonwealth are deep
Into legalizing homosexuality into Homo sapiens
Tools of creativity and more into stupidity
Homo sapiens claiming higher order of brain growth
Yet more lower than an emoeba
As the promotion of extinction is now in order
According to the one world order
To remove the useless eaters that populates
The commonwealths of Nations
Sodomisation now approved legally
Sticks fighting sticks and spoons face spoons
That structures and functions are in commotions
Not knowing where the active site is located
Promotion of extinction of the next generations
Creating chaos dispensing more energy to flame
The planet as in the days of Lot and his 3 daughters
His dear into a pillar of salt…probably calcium carbonate
Eaten in the purified form by the natives here
2019 is coming soon so is the 50
Legalising same tool linkage
To promote same sex prostitution into this Nation
According to MDGs and SDGs into global unity
Not according to the rock cast with no hands
But according to the thrown down angelic morning star
The extra-terrestrial beings are monitoring and watching
The realities on this fallen planet
That in the process; being flabergasted
That the Creator is always loving
However, there is a thin lining
That Homo sapiens sapiens should not cross
Humanity is about to cross….in its foolishness
Cast the Rock
That those who standfast may go home
I am just a stranger here….
Stalin Fiualakwa