Cabinet to review COVID-19 measures

PRIME Minister (PM) Manasseh Sogavare said the Cabinet will soon review the COVID-19 measures that have already discussed over the past weeks. Sogavare said those measures include; no handshaking, do not congregate in proximity with each other, practising social distancing of at least 1.5 metres apart in church services or meetings, coach into elbows and…


OUR repatriated students from the Philippines are expected to spend 35 days in quarantine centres following the second positive COVID-19 confirmed case. This is an additional 14 days from the normal 21 days quarantine time period they are expected to be quarantined, said Attorney General (AG) John Muria Junior during the weekly talk-back show yesterday.…

Students responsible to protect themselves

Students studying abroad should be responsible for protecting themselves from Covid-19.  During the PM’s announcement following the first Covid-19 case, members of the public have questioned whether or not Philippine Authorities have lived up to their assurances. The country was assured that our students would undergo three tests before leaving for Honiara. The three tests…

SI endorses Framework for Implementation of Global Vaccine Action Plan & Safe and Affordable Surgery

THE Minister of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) Honourable Dr. Culwick Togamana endorsed the Vaccine Preventable Diseases Regional Framework for Implementation of the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) and Framework for Safe and Affordable Surgery (SAS) in his statement this week to the 71st session of the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific, WHO’s governing…

Baroo Kindy now has new classroom 

THE Makira Ulawa Provincial Government Minister of Education and Human Resources, Mr. Henry Rata has handed over a new classroom block to the Baroo Kindergarten School Committee in East Bauro of Central Makira Constituency. At the recent handover, Mr Rata who was speaking on behalf of the World Bank through the Rural Development Program of…


Two former PMs contesting the by-elections By ANDREW FANASIAHoniara Newsroom TWO former Solomon Islands Prime Ministers are vying for a seat in parliament come next month’s by-election. Gordon Darcy Lilo who is contesting the Central Honiara Constituency seat and Dr Derek Sikua for North East Guadalcanal seat are not new to local politics in Solomon…