Kindy children and adults in villages surrounding Folobaeko in West Kwara’ae, Malaita province now have access to pre and post school learning, after a new learning center was opened in April this year.
The community of Folobaeko gathered themselves and built this new school with bush materials with the help of men women and children.
Mr. Augustine Taerau one of the village chiefs said this highlights the importance of providing the basic human rights for education to community is much more important.
He added that the community worked together by gathering some bush materials and built the classroom and sanitation for the learning center to make education accessible to his community.
This cluster of villages is situated 5 kilometers inland, east of Gwaunaru’u airport.
The nearest community school is about an hour’s walk away by bush track, and is common for children to leave early, drenched in dew, covered with swarms of buzzing mosquitoes just to return in the heat of the day with fever.
So, the parents decided to keep their 5 to 7 year olds home.
“Our remoteness and crowded classes often faced in large community schools are some other reasons why our kindy children were denied of an early childhood education,” said a concerned mother.
“There was not any outward support yet to this initial set up,” said the chief.
“But we do welcome some backing from our politicians, Government, Churches, aid donors and education stakeholders to expand and encourage our community effort.”
In addition the early childhood care education class, the community is also looking forward to begin an adult Literacy class in the evenings for women and men who may have missed an opportunity for education, but still wish to improve on their literacy, numeracy and comprehension skills, said Taerau.
“Although it is just a small beginning, but we are glad to be part of the global family that stand against illiteracy,” expressed Mr. Taerau.
Meanwhile the new ECCE and adult learning center is being looked after by paid by the community three teachers.
By Joanna Frances