MALAITA Premier Peter Ramohia yesterday announced that Jackson Gege is the province’s new Provincial Secretary.
Premier Ramohia says the appointment will be formalised soon.
“I am informed by the Permanent Secretary of Provincial Government and Strengthening, Dick Pirione earlier on about the post,” Mr Ramohia said.
“He will work with my executive to ensure formal documents, records, events and administering of the public servants is carried out in a way that the MART government dreams of accomplishing,” Mr Ramohia added.
Mr Gege, from West Kwaio, holds two qualification- Master of Business Administration and Master of Arts from the Westminster Business University, United Kingdom from 2008-2013.
He has a wide extensive knowledge and experience when working with International Organizations, Government Statutory Organizations and the Provincial Government.
He is the head of consultant group that formulate and draft the MART (Malaita Alliance for Reform and Transformation) early this year.
At the National level Mr Gege is part of the eight consultants who formulated and drafted the DCCG Policies in December 2014.
He also used to be a teacher at King George Sixth National Secondary School and Saint Nicholas in from 2003-2005.
Currently Mr Gege is working on the project to review the Human Resource and overhauling the Malaita Provincial Government Organizational Structures.
Outgoing Malaita PS is Patrick Taloboe and the acting – Rodney Fono.
Formal letter of appointment and the signing of contract from the Ministry of Public Service are expected soon.
in Auki