A ground-breaking ceremony for the Malaita Integrated Pig and Agriculture Training Centre was successfully launched at Adaliua, Central Kwara’ae, Malaita province on Wednesday.
The ground ceremony was part of the Solomon Islands Government’s partnership with the Republic of China (ROC) Taiwan to develop agriculture in Solomon Islands.
The launching was attended by the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) Augustine Auga, Malaita Premier Peter Channel Ramohia, his executive members, ROC Ambassador to Solomon Islands His excellency Victor Yu, Jackson Fiulaua MP for Central Kwara’ae and other officials.
Mr Auga said, this was his first project to be launched in Malaita province, as representatives of the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government.
“The DCC Government is keen to see that rural development brings about benefits for rural families.
“Solomon Island continue to enjoy the cordial relationship that it has with the Republic of China (Taiwan).
“Agriculture is one of the areas that the Taiwanese Government really puts a priority on, seeing that a lot of rural people depend on agriculture for their food security and livelihoods.
“In working closely with my Ministry, the Taiwan Technical Mission has been involved in both crops and livestock development, where diversification of crops for food security is an ongoing program.
“I’m happy to say that recently a new hybrid pig was released at the KG Sixth farm in Honiara for the public.
“I assure you that sooner you will be seeing this hybrid pig here in the Province.
“Being here today would not have been possible without the landowners of Adaliua who offered their land to host their important programme.
“Let this occasion be seen as a way forward for landowners to open up their land for development that will bring benefits not only for your immediate families, but your communities, wards, constituencies and the province to contribute to growing Solomon Island Economy,” Auga said
He added that the Government, Taiwan Technical Mission, landowners and the province must work in partnership to develop this important industry to promote rural participation in economic development, enhance food security and sovereignty and to improve livelihoods of rural farming families and households
“It would be extremely difficult and impossible if we, the Government, development partners, provincial government, landowners, communities, do not play our roles as partners to see this development go forward.
“I thank the landowners for their courage, commitment, patience and willingness shown to host this development on your land.
“I encourage you to continue looking ahead to the benefits of this project, protect it, take ownership of it and provide the support if necessary for the advancement of the project.’
By William Ekotani
In Auki