Kilusakwalo Christian Community High School (KCCHS) in Central Kwara’ae in Malaita province last Friday farewelled 234 students during the school’s annual graduation ceremony.
Most of the students are grade six, form three, form five, and form six. The ceremony coincided with the prize-giving ceremony.
Of the 234 students farewelled, 59 students are doing grade six , 63 students doing form three, 68 students doing form five and 43 doing form six.
Witnessing the ceremony were the parents and guardians, KCCHS students, and staff, the Malaita Provincial Provincial Secretary Jackson Gege who was the guest speaker during the event, Chairman of the school Ben Bau and the SSEC Education representative Pastor Steven Ausuta.
Members of public who turned up in numbers to witness the school annual event.
The Malaita Provincial Secretary Mr Gege and the school principal Alick Bebesia thanked and congratulated the graduating students for their commitment and milestone reached.
In Auki