AN INTERACTIVE seminar bringing together all local students and academics studying and working at the University of the South Pacific (USP), Laucala campus in Suva, Fiji is set for this weekend.
It was a new initiative by the current Solomon Islands Students Association (SISA) executive, led by president, Anthony Maelasi.
Its called, FARAILA in a Malaitan dialect which simply means discussion or dialogue in English.
Mr Maelasi told the paper earlier this week, the seminar will create interaction between local undergraduate students with post – graduate, masters, PhD students, and staff to talk more openly and freely.
“The aim of this FARAILA is for us to have an informal gathering which we will have our senior masters, PhD students, and staff to have a talk with us to encourage and share their academic experiences with our students.
“This is one way which the SISA executive has agreed on and all students are expected to attend.
“It is an initiative which I think will create an environment for our senior students to be able to share more openly, their experiences, challenges and advise our young students academically,” the SISA boss said.
He added, this seminar is being organized to at least help break some of the barriers that local students have faced with regards to their shyness and passiveness towards their studies.
“That kind of supportive environment is what we are trying to create and hopefully it should have a small impact on the study habits and outlook of each individual student,” he said.
Meanwhile, according to the president, the initiative is very well received and supported by local senior students and staff as well.