The young man who courageously towed the lost and found sailing boat ashore for about 17 miles is requesting the state to return the sailing boat to him if none of the neighbouring country claims it.
Speaking to the Solomon Star Junior Billy said he wants the government to release the sailing boat back to him if nobody from abroad claims it.
Billy said it takes him 24 hours to tow the boat to Honiara, and it is not easy as people may think, since him and his boys risked their lives in the middle of the sea struggle to pull the boat ashore.
“It takes us more than 24 hours to bring the lost sailing boat to Honiara and the job was exhausting indeed, since they have trapped in the nightfall at the middle of the sea, but were fortunate to reach Honiara at 01:00am Thursday last week.”
The fisherman from the Fishing village of east Honiara said, if no one claims the boat from the neighbouring countries and his job is not paid by responsible authorities then bring the boat back to him as the owner, because he found it.
Meanwhile, Comptroller of Customs and Excise Nathan Kama said, they have not receive any feedback so far, after they have reported the matter through their regional network.
He said his officer responsible for the job has not got back to him after he was assigned to deal with the matter.