BANK South Pacific (BSP) has launched its Branchless Banking (BB) in Auki Malaita Province, on Tuesday.
The launching was part of BSP to educate people to have more understanding about their Wantok Moni Functions and also reached out to customers rather than customers coming to the bank.
Its purpose is to get its customers acquire sufficient information on the features and functions of Branchless Banking Application and also to enable customers to have more understanding on Wantok Moni Functions.
Branchless Banking Agency network officer in Auki, Stewart Ma’ahoro said BB is an application designed to access BSP’s banking services away from the branch.
“It allows BSP officer or an agent to perform bank functions conveniently via an electronic device anywhere where there is digital coverage.
“Currently, Branchless Banking applications is available via the tablet only.
“The application is integrated and communicates with the bank’s main applications and system such as ICBS, CBS tellers and Mobile Banking System.
“The use of Branchless Banking is Financial Inclusion (Converting the Unbanked customers to banked Customers.
“It offers a wide range of products in various market Segments, SME, students, Mass and Rural Mass.”
“It acquire new customers, reduce queues in the branches, reduce document efforts and bringing the bank to customers,” he said.
He added the benefits are it’s convenient, faster, secure, and cheaper.
In Auki