Buma village in West Kwara’ae in Malaita over the weekend hosted a total of 19 tourists from St Michael College in South Australia.
A group of 15 young female students from St Michael College in South Australia mostly young females of age between 15 and 16 and four staff landed at Gwounaru’u airport on Friday afternoon via a Solomon Airlines flight.
The tourists were then led by a local tourism operator Destination Solomons Travel and Tour, Chris Maelaua straight from Gwounaru’u airport to Buma village where they met up with the students and villagers in what is known as an educational and cultural exchange between the tourists and the locals.
According to Mr Maelaua,the visiting tourists is part of an ongoing program arranged through Norman Palmer an Anglican Church run school in Honiara where Buma School is also part of it.
He said as a local inbound tourism operator in the country, their role is to provide packages to tourists to avoid inconveniences during the course of their tour in the country where he said the latest tourist visit to Buma comes under their education package.
He said the arrangement between the St Michael Collage is an on going one and more student tourists are expected in the country in the future under the arrangement.
This is the second lot of tourists arriving in Malaita via plane after the Gwounaru’u airport was reopened three weeks ago.
In Auki