The unexpected landing of a civilian Helicopter at Auki Primary School while students are having their exams last Friday has caused widespread anger by the school management.
According to reports received, the helicopter was transporting some police officials from Honiara to Auki.
Auki Primary School’s Head teacher, Raphael Angi told the Solomon Star that they are very disappointed over how the chopper landed as they were not notified before the sudden landing took place at the school’s play ground.
“The landing has caused great disturbances to my students, while they were doing their end year exams,” he said.
Mr Angi expressed that such unnoticed landing at the school play ground while exams are underway is a total disruption and disrespectful to the education rights of the children.
He said since the landing of the helicopter disrupted the concentration of the students, the school has decided to schedule all exams on Saturday.
“This week my students are having their end year exams and we are expecting total silence at the school boundary to allow our students to concentrate and do better in their examinations.”
“I am not happy with such unnoticed landing made by this helicopter.”
“That place is not an airfield for helicopters to make a landing. It’s a school play ground except for emergency cases,” Mr Angi said.
He said that arrangement for such landing should be made known to the school earlier.
According to Auki Community High School board, helicopter landing at Auki School playing ground costs $10,000.
Meanwhile attempts to get information concerning the landing from Provincial Police Commander (PPC) of Malaita Province, Superintendent Solomon Sisimia was unsuccessful last Friday.
In Auki