Dear Editor – Grateful if you could kindly allow me a space in your daily Newspaper to convey our appreciation and sincere thanks towards the St. George communities of Kolona Bari Siroa, Rauni, Kolaubola Kela Komukea, Ngangare and Koivo.
Spiritual celebration of Mother’s Day at St George Chapel Communities of North East Guadalcanal constituency.
As commonly understood by all citizens of this beloved nation, Mother’s Day Celebration is mostly celebrated with Physical Food and Alcohol.
However, on the night of Saturday 14th of May 2017 has been a milestone and breaking news for the people of Malaita and Guadalcanal Province. More especially the people of the ACOM faith.
As most citizens of our nation were well aware of the Burns Creek Multicultural community, the St. James Anglican Satellite Church has wiped out the negative activities such as:
· Red Mark
· Bad people
· Breeding grounds of criminals
· Hideouts for thieves and killers
· Home of the rapist and the list goes on and on …..
This caution remedy is an initiated activity led by the St. James Anglican Satellite Church Youth group as they diverted the mindsets of the good people the above mentioned communities to join the celebration of Action Choruses and creating the broken relationships since the days of the social unrest between the two brothers known as Guadalcanal and Malaita.
The program was a mission of shooting two birds with one stone as the Christian relationship and a free will fundraising has been carried out smoothly during the night.
Furthermore, working together between the two youth groups was established as songs were exchanged between them and a special appointment of a new chaplain for the St James Satellite Church Youth Mission tour to the Diocese of Isabel has been finalized.
He is a retired priest by the name Fr. John Manetha of the Diocese of Guadalcanal (DOG).
All in all, it is a message clear and crystal that it’s now time for all the Mother parishes in and around Honiara under command of ACOM to reach out to our Christian brothers and sisters, most of all the children and the youths of our beloved nation.
So brothers and sisters, let’s work together to bring back our spiritual relationships together so that real peace and harmony may prevail.
Alfred Lials Maebiru
Vestry Committee Chairman
Burns Creek