About 70 students of Don Bosco Technical Institute graduated on Friday, in an action-packed program, which began at 9am with a Thanksgiving Holy Eucharist.
The thanksgiving ceremony was presided over by Most Rev. Adrian Smith, Archbishop of Honiara, with 5 priests concelebrating with him.
The Archbishop exhorted the graduates to avoid temptations that betray the principles learnt in the institute. He was quoting the theme of the Graduation program “BE STRONG, REACH HIGH!”
The actual graduation ceremony began at 10.30am with the smartly dressed graduates marching into the School Hall. ‘
The Guest of Honor was Mr. James Bosamata, Acting Permanent Secretary, representing Hon. Dick Ha’maori, Caretaker Minister of Education and HRD.
Other distinguished guests on the stage were: Ms. Catherine representing APTC; Mr. Abraham, Principal of St. Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School; Sr. Doreen, Directress of Christian Care Centre and Fr. Joseph, Rector of Don Bosco-Tetere.
The Principal, Fr. Srimal Priyanga presented the students to the Rector of the institute who declared them the Graduates of 2014.
“These students spent 2012-2013 in the institute acquiring skills and knowledge in the trades of their choice: Automotive, Carpentry-Construction, Electricity and Life Skills. 2014 was spent in industries and business enterprises, as On-the-job training ,having spent a minimum of 1365 hours under supervision” said Fr. Dominic Kachira, in his address to the assembly.
Mr. James Bosamata, in his address said: “One point of appreciation that needs to be highlighted is that Don Bosco offers a second chance to those who were in one way or another left out of the educational system. A second chance to prove that they can become someone who can be the pride of their families, Communities and the country at large.”
He further commented on the motto of the institute, “Born for Greater Things” connecting it to the theme of the Graduation, “Be Strong, Reach High!”
He said; “Only when you reach a goal your conviction of being born for greater things takes shape” and he emphasized that the graduands reached a goal which called for a celebration.
The graduands presented the theme song “Reach” by Gloria Estefan with meaningful actions which enthralled the audience. Graduation Ceremony over, a 30-minute creative musical presentation of “Don Bosco Lives On” was staged by the students. “It was awesome” said Ria Simmons and Matt Benton, Volunteers from Mahitahi (New Zealand) who prepared the students.
“The students performed far better than we could imagine,” said Ria who was the master-mind behind the production.
“They picked up the dances and the songs so quickly,” said Ria, thrilled at the wonderful performance.
A sumptuous lunch followed, thanks to the parents who came forward very generously, and the students of the Life Skills department, who proved their talent and ability to cater to a very large group. Congratulations to our Graduands, and may you Be Strong and Reach High, and yet Higher.