THE Member of Parliament (MP) for South New Georgia Rendova and Tetepare (SNR&T) Constituency, David Gina has kept his election promise to Elomana Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ughele village in Ward 18 of South Rendova, Western Province.
MP Gina promised that he will fully support the Elomana church building project during the 2024 National General Election campaign.
After his election into Parliament, MP Gina delivered 100 bags of cement towards the project implementation.
Elomana is one of the six zones in Ughele village that has an organised SDA church community.
Currently, the community holds its church services in a small old sago leaf thatched roof building, which cannot cater for its growing population.
A Elomana community member, Richard Pahu confirmed to the Solomon Star in an interview that MP Gina has delivered building materials to the church.
Pahu confirmed they took delivery of the building materials from Munda on New Georgia Island last week.

The building materials include bags of cement, steel rods, rolls of tie wire, rolls of black plastics and nails.
“We received 100 bags cement, 100 steel rod, two rolls tie wire, one roll black plastics, five cartons of 4-inch nails, one carton of 3-inch nails and one carton of 2-inch nails,” Mr Pahu said.
He said church building project will commence soon after ring wires and the carpenter in-charge of the work, Jepter Vega arrives back in Ughele village.
Mr Pahu said man-power is important to push the church building project ahead now because they have received main building materials from MP Gina.
Church members of Elomana applauded MP Gina for fulfilling his election promise in a timely manner.
Solomon Star, Honiara