THE Auki Reforestation Unit officers have successfully conducted forestry awareness in nine schools around Malaita.
They included Gwaidingale Community High School (CHS), Dala CHS,Faiako CHS,Gwauaoa CHS, Gwaigeo CHS,Kilusakwalo CHS, Daulusu CHS,Sinasau CHS and Alota’a CHS from the month of April and May 2016.
According to the Auki principal forest officer Rony Aiwewe, the main objectives of reaching out to the schools is to help the students by providing them with relevant information and knowledge about the country’s forest resources.
Not only that but their school outreach program is also to promote and encouraged tree planting program at schools.
Moreover, it is to educate students of the function and responsibility of the Ministry of Forest and Research and not to mention to establish the forestry program networking through schools as one of the important stakeholders in the province.
Topics covered during the school outreach program were functions and responsibilities of the ministry, importance of forest resources, logging sector, and its development and three planting program or reforestation.
Mr Aiwewe said the school outreach program was a success, however to continue with the similar program in the future they would need support where he said transportation is one of the difficulties they experienced during the course of their duty.
in Auki