ABOUT 25ambassadors from Gizo Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church aged between 15-20 years successfully conducted their camp over the weekend at Suvania in Gizo, Western province.
Under the leadership of Jenter Wong and her Secretary Miss Navit Michael, the aim to this camp out was to meet their requirement in order to get their master guide.
“The main aim for this campout is for our Ambassador to get their master guide because to hold such church work, they must have their master guide,” she said.
Ms Michael said, as a teenager and secretary for this department, it was very challenging to lead the young ones.
“This is because these group of young people are at my age group and sometimes they will opposed what I’ve told them to do, making fun of me, but I don’t give up because it is what I’ve trained for. I’m very happy because we’ve learnt from each other,” said Ms Mchael.
She said the campouts have helped those who have missed attending Churches to return.
“As we started to do a lot of camp out for Ambassador, we see many backsliders started to enjoy this and started to come back to the church and that is one of our aim, there are youths who already engage with the world activities, but with this kind of programme they started to show their interest again in the Church,” said Ms Michael.
Ms Wong said its good to see the little ones enjoying themselves.
“As the leader its good to have fun with these young children to help develop their physical, social mental and spiritual aspect of their lives,” she said,
During the campout the young ambassadors were able to conduct first aid training and other sports activities to keep them fit.
“The campout allows the Ambassadors to study the seven fundamental believe of Seventh-Day Adventist Church (SDA) where they study together and will write an essay and share it through outreach programs,” she said.
“All this must be done in order to get their master guide.Many of these Ambassadors now came to realise what is judgment, baptism, Steps to Christ meant to their lives and we call upon Seventh-Day Adventist church (SDA) around the country to make sure they meet all the requirement of the Ambassador in their churches because it is where they will come to know more about some of the Church’s beliefs.”
– By Naydo Wong, SINU journalism student