GUADALCANAL Post Conflict, Reconciliation, Rehabilitation and Restoration Association (GPCRRRA) has denied any rumour of the repeat of the civil unrest.
The rumour is circulating within Honiara, provincial centres and villages.
President of GPCRRRA, Joseph Sangu and his vice president, Andrew Te’e said the rumour of another civil unrest is not true.
“GPCRRRA investigations around Guadalcanal revealed that this rumour is not true.
“We totally disassociate ourselves, our association and our people and province from these rumours,” they said.
“GPCRRRA with its more than 12,000 members are now embarking on preparations for reconciliation in line with Solomon Islands Government Policies.
“We encourage people to continue to abide peacefully by the law and refrain from fabricating and spreading false information,” they said.
Both, who are also former commanders of Guadalcanal Revolution Army said these rumours should now be put to rest.