The Northern Regional Superintended of the South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) Stephen Ausuta who hosted the 50th Golden jubilee celebration in Ambu has acknowledged everyone who participant.
During the closing ceremony early on Monday, Mr Ausuta thanked all those who turned up for the event.
He believes that all those who attended the event have received the message from God during the four days celebration and thanksgiving.
“I hope and trust that none of us returned home empty.”
He encouraged the delegates to share with others the blessing they received during the celebration.
“It is my prayer that all of us that attended the celebration returned to our regions, associations and local churches with a revive heart to keep serving this wonderful God, may our faith be strengthened and empowered to spread the good news of Jesus and saving others into Gods Kingdom.
“I hope that all of you have enjoyed your stay with us throughout the past few days.
We apologized for any inconvenient that you might experience during your stay here.”
Most of the delegates started returning to their various places on Sunday and Monday.
The celebration had been described as historic and a successful one.
Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga officially opened the celebration in Ambu, Thursday last week
By William Ekotani