AN East Are’Are man has expressed disappointment with his member of parliament (MP) for returning the $600K Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) allocation to the Oversight Committee.
Henry Bartholomew Kahui said that the decision should have been well thought out so as not to victimise rural farmers in the constituency.
Mr. Kahui went on to say that though his MP was praised for his action of good deed and honesty, the silent majority of East Are’Are did not see it that way.
“The MP’s action was a slap on the face of the people of East Are’Are and outright denial of legitimate funding support to boost the productive sector in the rural areas,” Mr. Kahui said.
He continued to say that he failed to see the rationale behind his MP’s action when the other 49 constituencies have already received their shares.
This paper understands that Peter Kenilorea Jnr returned the money because it was only approved by Cabinet and not by parliament.
Mr. Kahui said that the MP’s reason for returning the money is not good enough.
“Regardless of whether or not the funds are approved by Cabinet or parliament, the underlying truth is that the rural productive sector of East Are’Are constituency needs the funds,” Mr. Kahui said.
Kahui said the MP should also understand that some of the local piggery farmers and fishermen also need financial assistance to revive their business activities because they too badly hit by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
“It’s good that the government of the day gives us the money and it’s our part to make good use of it,” he added.
He said a lot of people in EAC are looking forward to the money and yet the MP decides to give it back to the government.
A letter from East Are’Are constituency Office to the Oversight Committee said that whilst it welcomes the efforts undertaken by the government to keep the economy afloat, the constituency has no ESP program let alone implementing the ESP package.
The letter clearly stated the $600K was only approved by Cabinet and not parliament and therefore the EAC office does not have the mandate to facilitate it.
Kenilorea stated that EAC is currently implementing its RCDF programs in accordance with their development plans through the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) and that have been duly appropriated by parliament.
“On ESP, my office does not have the capacity, or the robust process to follow up on the implementation of this program.
“We do not even have the baseline data against which effective implementation may be measured.
“Further, my office was never consulted or asked to be part of any awareness program for the ESP in our constituency,” he further stated.
Meanwhile, he said that a list of those from EAC to receive the support was also attached to the letter which means they can get the assistance, but has to be monitored by the government through the Oversight Committee Monitoring mechanisms.
Honiara, Newsroom