LOCAL kava farmers in the country are benefiting financially from the lucrative kava industry due to global demand.
Last week farmers from from Umulana village at the border of West Kwara’ae and Fataleka in the highlands of Malaita received $46,950 from Varivao Holdings Ltd on Wednesday.
During the same week local kava farmers from Santa Cruz in Temotu province also received an amount of $156,000 from kava sales.
Kava is among the booming cash crop that is attracting everyone’s attention that had a huge benefit to many farmers which now called as gold money commodity for individuals, families and communities now and for the future.
In the country local company Varivao Holdings Ltd is currently a buyer and exporter of the product.
Varivao Holdings Ltd General Manager Duddley Longamei said the amount received by those farmers came as a result from their hard work and having trust in kava farming which they heard and hence put their hands on the ground.
Malaita farmers revealed that currently they have planted eight thousand kava plants and are hoping for a good harvest by 2021.
They said money generated from the product will be used to build new permanent houses as well as meet immediate family needs.
Longamei said its important for farmers to plant the first grade kava variety which is a light yellow kava called Kava Feo. This kava variety is highly sought in the United States (US) market.
“This kava product is a first grade quality kava and it is one of the best sought kava variety in the world market,” he said.
Mr Longamei advises local farmers who are interested to go into kava farming to plant the right kava material.
“Tts important to see an agriculture officer to get the right information to avoid buying the wrong kava variety,” he said.
The Varivao Holdings Ltd estimated that as of this year around 300,000 kava plants are expected to be planted by local farmers around the country which benefit the farmers.