TWO local contractors have been awarded contracts to fix roads in two area of the city.
The Rapid Employment Project Sub Component 1A – Road and Maintenance has awarded contracts for road maintenance and rehabilitation on Friday.
HEMGRO General Maintenance & Services and J.P Construction will be doing the improvement and maintenance contracts, respectively, for feeder roads under the guidance of REP-MID Project Manager Nonoy Garcia and his staff.
Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Infrastructure, Development Henry Murray at the signing said; “Improving basic services such as providing good condition roads is one of the top priorities of our government, our people need good access roads to do their business and also access other services.
He told the two contractors that it is important to deliver the best services when doing maintenance and other road works.
Under their respective contracts, HEMGO will work on the Improvement of 0.8km Choviri Road along Vavaea Ward, while J.P Construction will do the Maintenance of 2.55 kms on Various Roads along Panatina Ward.
Mr. Garcia during the briefing yesterday told the contractors that REP-MID is very pleased to announce to the two local contractors who have won the REP contractors bid, “contracts were awarded to both of you because after our evaluation course, you offered the lowest, complying & responsive bids.”
They were also reminded that during the execution of the work, REP-MID will regularly carry out inspection and supervision of works at the site to ensure that works are executed by the contractors in accordance with the guidelines and specifications.
Mr. Garcia during the briefing yesterday in its strongest term told the Contractors that REP-MID will reject works not performed to the required standards which can penalize the responsible contractor.
Meanwhile both contractors have expressed their satisfaction and said they are very happy to work with REP-MID.
J.P Construction Managing Director Mr. Peter Waleloka said “We will make sure that the work is carried out as stipulated in our contract, we will do as much as possible to maintain the high level of road maintenance as this is not our first time to work under the REP-MID.”
HEMGRO Director Henry Kisita also shared the same sentiments; he added that the people living in Choviri area want this road to be fixed for many years. He is also looking forward of engaging unemployed youths and women from the community during the course of the construction.
He added that the community will be benefited from this road improvement activity and the vehicle owners living in that particular area will soon have no problem accessing that 0.18 kms road.
Meanwhile, both Mr. Joseph Fefale and Mr. Peter Damarii, Community Chiefs of Choviri Community also said “We have experienced hardship for a long period and our request to the concerned authorities previously for this road to be fixed fell in deaf ears, thank you to the REP-MID for this tremendous support.”They also promised to work closely with the contractor most particularly in community awareness and cooperation.
Rapid Employment Project Sub–component 1A- Road Repair and Maintenance Scheme executed by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID), which includes:
i. Carrying out of labor-based road repair and maintenance works of the unpaved urban and peri-urban roads in and around Honiara;
ii. Provision of technical assistance and training to build the capacity of local works contractors and of MID.
REP-MID is also funded by World Bank.
BY Andrew Fanasia Jr
REP Communication Officer