MALAITA Province Health Authority has conducted COVID 19 awareness in three communities in the Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) last week.
The awareness program was held at Luaniua, Pelau and Sikaiana from 5th to 7th of September.
A medical team consisted of health personals from Honiara and Kiluufi Hospital on Malaita carried out the program to educate the communities on how to protect themselves from the virus.
In his presentation, Dr Zimlon Bosawai of Kiluufi presented a data of COVID 19 cases around the world.
He also informed the communities on natural history, progress of the disease and factors associated with poor prognosis.
He said that communities like Luaniua, Pelau and Sikaiana that are located close to the Border are likely entry points for the COVID-19 virus.
“Since Papua New Guinea now joins the rest of the world as countries with the virus, communities along our maritime borders must be given the necessary protective measures and to ensure health information are adhered to.”
Dr Bosawai strongly encourages the communities to work together with the Ministry of Health and Medical Services and other responsible government authorities to keep people safe from the dangers of COVID-19.
He told the community leaders to monitor movement of people between Tasman and outer islands of Malaita.
“Since COVID-19 is now recorded in Bougainville, the government is serious and encourages communities to work together with responsible authorities to keep our communities safe from COVID-19,” Dr Bosawai said.
Auki News, Bureau