THE Family Planning Programme of Guadalcanal Provincial Medical Services has recently completed its second training in a pilot initiative to promote a new family planning commodity called Jadelle.
Under the watchful eye of the Jadelle Master Trainer, Dr Sabino Channel, this second training was held at Area Health Zone five at Marau.
During the five days training, seven provincial health workers were trained and 97 Jadelle implants were inserted, bringing to 20 the number of trained provincial health workers in Guadalcanal Province.
701 implants have now been inserted across the province.
The province has reached out to young adolescent mothers who are desperate for the commodity given that it is a very user-friendly family planning choice.
The Guadalcanal Provincial Coordinator for Reproductive Health and Family Planning, Alberta Tangi who is a strong advocator for the Jadelle implant is excited about the high demand for this commodity in her province.
“I have witnessed so many young girls who have to finish their education in either primary or secondary school because they got pregnant along the way,” Mrs Tangi said.
“I have also witnessed that many young mothers in their 20s who have four to five children and are struggling to make ends meet.
“They have decided to receive the Jadelle implant. This is a good sign for the family planning programme in the province.”
Guadalcanal Province is the current main consumer of Jadelle, followed by Malaita, Makira, Isabel, Honiara and Western Provinces.
The province has taken the new family planning method to a whole new level.
Former National Reproductive Health Coordinator and currently the Family Planning Site Manager and Coordinator of the Jadelle Pilot Initiative, Judith Seke states “never in the history of the family planning programme has the demand for a family planning commodity been so high.
“I have never seen anything like it. This is definitely history in the making for the family planning programme in this country.”
Through the commitment of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services and the financial support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Jadelle implant has gained popularity in the region particularly in Melanesian countries including Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and recently in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands.
The increasing demand for Jadelle in the region but particularly in Solomon Islands has enabled UNFPA to increase procurement of Jadelle supplies for Solomon Islands.
UNFPA Programme Analyst, Polini Boseto McNeil based in Honiara says “the results for this family planning commodity piloted are very impressive. Access to sexual and reproductive health – including contraception or family planning and maternal health, for all women and young people is a human right and critical to saving lives, advancing development and promoting gender equality.”
She further confirms that “commitment to family planning will be focused and invested at the provincial level with a more strategic focus at the area health zone where resources have an impact to supporting Solomon Islands efforts to ensure that every woman exercises her right to contraception, safe pregnancy and childbirth.”
UNFPA is currently the sole supplier of reproductive health commodities in the country, which recently includes Jadelle implants.