Dear Editor – I would like to highlight to the Central bank and those responsible in the government that the economic climate for doing business is getting tighter and there appears to be obvious and alarming decline in our economy.
After the elections there was a wave of optimism springing from the hailed lesser corrupt DCC government and that Sogavare leadership would bring about a positive impact to the wellbeing of us Solomon Islanders. This confidence seems to be shrinking and the ability of the government to implement the budget is concerning. Perhaps the shooting at Mbike and the placement of Bodo Dettki a logger at the head of forestry was a ominous sign.
I am no economic expert but the forecasted growth of the country was based on a few assumptions. Lets see where Sogavare and his team are:
Tina Hydro power project……..NOT STARTED
Underwater sea cable……….NOT STARTED
New Kukum highway upgrade………NOT STARTED
The budget was hailed as the “peoples budget” the development component was at its core larger than the recurrent. Lets look at this so called development aspirations:
Auluta Palm oil……….NOT STARTED
Bina harbour………..NOT STARTED
USP campus Doma……….NOT STARTED
Doma deep sea harbour……….NOT STARTED
Russell Island plantation……….NOT STARTED
Gold Ridge mine……….NOT STARTED
Lets also look at new investments because the more investments presumably mean more money in the country.
Bauxite mining……….NOT STARTED
Solomon Bauxite Choiseul……….NOT STARTED
Nickel mining……….NOT STARTED
Gwaunaru’u and Parasi amongst many on Malaita remain closed. Numerous MID contracts are pending and slow to implement because of either personal or political interference.
Lets also add to this mixture the China economy slowing and the price of logs declining, fluctuating copra and cocoa prices also I almost forgot El Nino. I’d like to appeal to those in government, CBSI, SINPF, SICCI, NGO’s and bilateral partners the reality on the ground is seriously dire and in need of urgent action and attention.
Please get started.
Yours Faithfully,
George Ramolo