Parents have been challenged to be role models for their children.
Mrs Clera Rikimani was speaking during the official opening of the three day Sunday School youth rally held over the weekend at Malu’u North Malaita.
She said that parents need to be role models to their children.
“Because children live according to what they learn.
“If parents teach their children what is not good, they will grow up to be bad citizens, but if you teach them what is good; they will grow up into good citizens.
“You (parents) are the ones to be the role model for this generation,” she said.
She said that as Malaitans with the biggest population, everyone needs to consider this and it is time to start teaching children.
“As parents we need to teach our children the Biblical and the cultural identity of this Island, which is first and for most.
“The moment we lose our Biblical and cultural identity we start to lose ourselves.
“So this is something we need to take heed and take back as Malaitans.
“Today we are living in the world of global change and changes come in our traditional values.”
The newly establish children division in the province is to look at children’s issues in their upbringing and for parents to see the importance of children future and purpose.
“It’s a desire from the provincial Government to see that one day men and women will be working together for the children.
“Within this division we need to start evaluate ourselves to see the importance of why we need to change this nation or Malaita.
“For the youths Malaita’s future depends on you.
“Remember life is too short so make use of it while you are still young and do something good that can bring prosperity and be an icon that people can always thing about you.
“We need to put our efforts and sacrifice to build our Malaita’s despite of the challenges that we are encounter today.
“Better futures we desire depends on how well we work together and support its other.
“Let’s transform Malaita into a better place to live.
“A home we will never forget a place where peace, progress and prosperity prevail.
“A place where love is founded and lets take God first and for most for this province and that is the only way we can prosper nothing for or less,” said Ms Rikimani.
She added that by looking through the theme “BE GOD’S CHANNEL OF BLESSING TO OTHERS” It’s one of the things that triggered her as a Government officer to re-think inside.
“We need to questions our self what are our (children) purpose to be here in this Sunday’s school program?
“Until we know our purpose to be here at this earth then life will make a difference.
“If you don’t know your purpose then life’s is like an experiment that what happen to our nations today.
“When looking at this theme it something that triggers us to see the important of us being born in this earth for a purpose and it is to live and makes a difference.
“We are looking forward to empower parents to know why you have children.
“It is very important for parents to know that by the moment you have children it’s your responsibility to feed, care and teach them.
“As someone where responsible for women and children on our province this is one of our desires inside of the provincial government to see that Malaita one day we’ll see men and women will working together for the children.”
By William Ekotani
In Auki