A pastor of the Revival fellowship Centre of Dala north in West Kwara’ae, Malaita province has acknowledged Our Telekom for the launching of a new mobile tower in the area allowing the villages to get connected to the outside world through their mobiles.
During the launching Our Telekom has managed to give out cell phones to chiefs, pastors, landowners and school reps as token of appreciation for them.
Out of those leaders, Pastor Fred Aremao was fortunate to receive a cell phone and t- shirt from the company.
Speaking to this paper in excitement, Pastor Fred admitted that indeed it was gift and a blessing that really made him excited to own such an important tool.
“For so long I have been struggling to own a cell phone but cannot afford.
“In such ministry, cell phone is very important because I can use it to call my members for urgent church meetings and discuss issues concerning church,” he added.
“With this cell phone that I receive from Our Telekom I hope that life would be much easier and better for me in terms of communications.
“I can now get in touch with the world with this haus phone to get information from Honiara and elsewhere,” he said.
In Auki