Dear Editor – Many so-called self-righteous citizens have often attempted to distance themselves from the evils of politics but have failed.
Political iniquity or iniquities is the term I wish to describe unethical dealings with money in times of politicking in political elections of members of parliament and provincial assemblies.
In a cash-trap economy by which the economy of Solomon Islands is undeniably labelled, the tendency to grab whatever is offered as bait for a vote at the time of General Election is inevitable.
This is not to say that we are so poor that our integrity can be easily subjected to satanic manipulation. No. Not at all, for our father, the Almighty, is not poor so that we, His children should be poor; rather He expects us to toil the soil and out of our sweat we shall eat, live and prosper.
Simply means, nothing comes easily; we must earn it and earn it honestly from our own sweat and hard work and not from free-handouts or vote buying tricks.
Our political iniquities, began from the fall of man since the creation and continues to this day. Photostat of which, is often seen during political campaigns, camouflaged in political awareness sessions, and culminated in devil’s night just before the morning of voting.
This would be the time when Lucifer takes control of ex-politicians and would-be candidates in the use of money, so as to fulfil the saying that “Money is the root of all evil”, to lure in voters.
When money is involved, voters fall victim instantly and are forced to an insane situation, thus corruption takes effect, and are so labelled.
Government is a God-given institution and as such we all need a government. To have a government as it is divinely intended, we need God-fearing men and women as political leaders so that there is fear and respect for the government, and that must begin with us the voters.
If we the voters are careless with our ballot papers, we will certainly end up having a careless and ungodly-government and we will always cry foul after the election, as has always been the case. The scripture says, “you shall know them by their fruits”, has been the manifestation since.
Political iniquity is a culture of politics nowadays and is fueled by the commodity called money, not the lack of knowledge and wisdom.
If you don’t want to be unpopular, don’t use money and if you don’t, you won’t win a seat in parliament or even at the provincial level.
We are hooked to the Asian disease…”you scratch my back, I scratch yours” and that fits in very well with our custom and culture and that of white-man’s … “one good turn, deserves another”.
There is nothing wrong with that. But what is wrong, however, is that we are selling out birth-right so cheaply to vote in the deaf and mute into parliament to represent us.
We cannot blame the elected few for our failure. We the voters are fully responsible for their incompetencies, because of money.
When political leaders do not sensibly speak and debate political issues for the political, social, and economic well-being and the good of this country, they are committing political iniquity or iniquities and are depriving the rights of those whom they represent.
That is political iniquities.
John Tinonibona
Tulagi, Ngela