BAD road condition at the eighteen (18) kilometer road between Auki to Talakali in Central Kwara’ae, Malaita province has affected transport owners and market vendors.
A public transport operator in Rade community said the current bad road conditions currently experience has made it difficult for transport owners to provide reliable transport service to the traveling public.
A vehicle owner Clade Fo’oasaid the road was never repaired for over 10 years now and this had caused so much frustration amongst the market vendors, transport owners, and traveling passengers.
“We the vehicle owners found it difficult topay new spare-parts when we experience mechanical problems every week due to the deep pot holes and drains created by heavy rain over the past weeks,” Mr Fo’oa said.
He said during emergency times, the ambulance also finds it hard to transport patient to Kilu’ufi.
Vehicle owners and the public are now calling on the relevant authorities to do something about the road and have it fixed as soon as possible.
In Auki