THE Vice Chairman for ‘Malaitans for Malaita Initiatives’ through the National Malaita Fundraising Committee (NMFC) Redley Raramo has revealed that his committee is organizing a special event on the Malaita Second-appointed day to be held on August 15, 2016 here in Honiara.
The theme for the celebration is ‘Rise up Malaita’.
This theme is in line with our objective of unifying the Malaita people and building pride and sense of ownership for our province and its development.
The primary purpose for the event is to raise funds towards the proposed Malaita Provincial Chamber building project.
Furthermore, it is a time to instill the spirit and unity of Malaitans towards development programs envisaged for Malaita Province, he said.
Apparently, financial contributions and pledges will be sought during that day from individuals, Malaita Settlements/community, Malaita business people and the public at large towards this worthy cause.
Mr. Raramo stated should there be an appropriate time to ignite the Malaita spirit and unity for Malaita development endeavors; it has to be during the second appointed day.
“Therefore, I call on behalf of NMFC on all Malaita Communities, people and ethnic groupings here in Honiara to come forward with their contributions as in a token of tributes towards our provincial government iconic project.
“We encourage you to give from your hearts as we build the Malaita spirit and map our way forward for our beloved province,” said Raramo
The committee responsible is currently developing the programme proper which soon to be released.
There will be more activities such as custom dances from around ethnic groupings in Malaita Province-live concerts from Malaita Bands with Malaita Songs, Cultural talks from Traditional chiefs from Malaita, A talk on the united future for Malaita, the history of Malaita (where we come from).
An unique drum beating will also be organized to call for Malaitans to the festival site early in the dawn of that day.
Furthermore, speeches from prominent Malaitan leaders will be delivered-calling for the unity and Team Spirit of working together for advancement of Malaita development.
The singing of Malaita anthem will be a highlight throughout the day to grace and regather the spirit of Malaitans towards the cause.
There will be a radiothon program also to be organized through Barava FM station that day for appeals, donations, contributions and other in-kind support.
The committee encourages Malaitans who will attend to dress up in Malaita Provincial Flag colours-signifying our pride and a united Malaita.
“In addition, we encourage small Malaita entrepreneurs to set up stalls to show case their products and services during that day. We invite Malaita mothers and youths to demonstrate their arts and crafts and able to sell it during that day.
“This is a big day for us in Malaita Province, Let us all come in our unique ethnic traditions and demonstrate our united spirit for a new Malaita.
“At this juncture, I appeal to any Malaitan groups who wish to perform or participate during that day, please come forward and express your interest.”
For those who are interested to participate on this special event please contact the following persons; Chairperson Ms Rose Abana on phone: 7780471 and for financial support contact Fred Peter Taisara on phone: 7821206