Dear Editor – In the past months we have faced a difficult situation in the Ministry of Health and Medical Services.
Most of our requests for basic services, such as travel advance warranty, print, toners, and stationaries have been categorically denied by the Financial Controller –Michael.
He was sent by Canberra to control the HSSP fund.
Because of these, some of yearly operation and administrative task have been severely affected and slowed down.
On several occasions vendor suppliers have threaten us because they are not get paid for services already provided.
He control HSSP funds and suspects everyone who requested funds as being a criminal.
Although Department Directors and the Permanent Secretary have both signed endorsement letters and requisition forms, the Financial Controller still rejected it.
On one occasion he personally said and I quote ‘’ this is Australian Money not your money’’.
If that is the case this money should be sent back to Australia and look for other donors who are sincerely willing to help us.
Most of the Ministry of Health Departments has been really frustrated because genuine request for HSSP funds were turned down and not only that he treated us childishly as well.
Sadly, we find solution to this problem by making requests directly to other donors to pay vendors directly to provide service for us. This is risky in some sense but we have no other option.
So we just hope and wait that Michael be removed soon.
Jockim Heisiau
MHMS Headquarters