WEST Honiara Constituency office on Tuesday has clarified that repair works on the road and drainage system at Independence Valley, White River, West Honiara was made possible through the intervention of the Member of Parliament (MP) Namson Tran.
The clarification came following report in the paper yesterday claiming, the work was made possible through a contract awarded by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID).
However, responding to the report a spokesperson for the Office denied the report saying thats not all true.
The official said, its an arrangement done by the West Honiara Constituency with Lion Heart to do maintenance work and not MID.
The spokesperson said, the road section had been in a bad state for sometimes due to recent bad weather and the residents living at Independence Valley and the surrounding areas who use the road daily have been affected.
As a result they have approached the MP who uses the constituency fund contracted Lion Heart to fix the road without delay and its drainage system.
“So its not MID giving out the contract,” the Constituency office spokesperson clarified.
The office explained, funding for the road repair came directly from the constitution fund under MID grant from last year 2017 which makes it possible for the work to be done.
The maintenance work included grading of the road and clearing of the blocked drainage system which was the major cause of flooding to the road and surrounding residential areas during rainy seasons.
Since the start of the work few weeks ago, most of the residents have thanked the contractor and those involved in the upgrading work.