THE government is working with the European Union to lift the yellow card this year.
Solomon Islands was yellow carded and issued a warning in 2014 by the EU.
This was because they did not comply with the IUU regulations (Illegal Unreported and Unregulated) on fishing activities in the region.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Milner Tozaka said they are working with the Ministry of Fisheries and the EU to address the matter.
Mr Tozaka said they will take a paper to cabinet before signing an agreement with EU to lift the yellow card.
However, he said the process will take time to complete.
Leonidas Tezapsidis, EU Ambassador to Solomon Islands and Vanuatu said it will take a lot of consultation before the yellow card is removed.
However, he said Solomon Islands is now doing everything to fight against IUU, one of the steps was passing of the Fisheries Management Act in Parliament.