Dear Editor – Congratulations to everyone and everything which had a hand in making SINU’s second graduation ceremony the great success it was.
Indeed it was so great to see the smiles on the faces of graduates with their degrees, diplomas, and certificates. The joy of academic achievement is usually supreme in our personal lifes and often treasured for a long time.
The following observations are from someone with a vested interest in ensuring that developments in our national tertiary education subsector are conceived and pursued properly.
The observations are therefore constructive and not destructive. The first question is to what extent is SINU still the former SICHE?
If it is still over 80% or even 90%, especially in terms of programs, courses, staffing, and curriculum support equipment and materials, then I would, if I may, urge that we speed up the SICHE to SINU evolution process.
It is important that the evolution of the former SICHE into a full fledged University – Solomon Islands National University (SINU) is realised as soon as possible.
Presently, the University (SINU) is largely in name only. Transparency may also be an issue soon if the full transformation of SICHE into SINU is dragged on much longer.
People maybe paying for courses they believed are University courses whereas most courses are still in fact SICHE courses by design.
Another issue I am certain the SINU authorities have been dealing with, although yet to be fully realized, is the question of the universality or international acceptance of SINU as a University and the validity and credibility of its courses and programs given how it is being formed.
In a sense, SINU was named an University first before attempts to make it one were started.
Normally, the basis for having a national University would be thoroughly established before all the planning of all the needs – physical and software are made and implemented.
Only then would the completed institution be called a University. Without international recognition as we all know, SINU awards and graduates may be irrelevant internationally.
A validation process usually guarantees this. We all know that Universities promote the dissemination of advanced learning, the conferring of degrees, and engaging in academic research.
The third of these integral University
functions is still to be addressed. It is important from a University perspective that SINU’s academic research capacity is up and running soonest and not delayed further.
Wish you all the best SINU.