The much awaited Solomon Games supposed to be hosted in Rennell this month is facing indefinite postponement due to delay of funds.
This was confirmed in a statement by the Renbel Games Local Organizing Committee.
The further postponement is due to the delay of funds from the Government through the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The Renbel Solomon Games Task Force along with the Local Organizing Committee has been waiting for the final tranche of funds from the Government to host the Games.
Despite the final report of the Games preparations and the thumbs up by the National Olympic Committee of Solomon Islands (NOCSI), the Government continued to delay the funds thus prompt the postponement.
“Following a meeting by officials of the Renbel Solomon Games LOC on Friday 28th December and consultations with the Renbel provincial leadership, the Solomon Games Task Force and acting on advices from officials within the national Government, I wish to convey that the Solomon Games that had been proposed to be hosted in Renbel Province from 14th- 25th January 2019 had been postponed indefinitely.
“This is due to the ongoing delay in the provision of funds by the national Government and the uncertainty that engulfed the Government’s promised commitment towards funding the Solomon Games prior to the recent dissolution of Parliament that unfortunately did not prioritize funding for this important national sporting event.
“All relevant parties and stakeholders are therefore hereby notified that Renbel province will continue to push for the national Government to honor its commitment to fund the games and for the games to be still hosted in Renbel province this year.
“The Renbel provincial government will continue in its strive to see this eventuate this year, and they along with the Task Force and LOC apologizes for the inconvenience this changes may cause.
“The Renbel provincial government through its LOC will make a confirmed statement on the subject sooner once new developments arose and once new information comes to hand,” according to the statement.
The Task Force the LOCA calls on Provincial Sports Associations (PSAs), National Sports Federations (NFs), National Olympic Committee of Solomon Islands (NOCSI) and other relevant parties to the Solomon Games to support Renbel’s push to have the government fund the games to be hosted in Renbel province any time soon in the New Year.
The Renbel Provincial Solomon Games LOC wishes to thank the national government, the Renbel provincial government, NOCSI, Task Force, Renbel communities, private sports fields and facilities owners, contractors, investors (companies) especially BMC and Samlin San, and everyone who had helped out in Renbel’s preparation for the Solomon Games that is now under question, for the contributions, support and help that you have made or rendered towards the province’s preparatory efforts one way or the other.