A high-level delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade Milner Tozaka, attended a series of Pre-Forum leaders meetings at the Forum Secretariat in Suva, Fiji, last week.
The Pacific ACP (PACP) Officials Meetings met on August 7 followed by the Forum Officials Committee (FOC) Meeting from August 8-10, culminating with the Forum Foreign Ministers Meetings (FFMM) on August 11.
These are all preparatory meetings for the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Summit scheduled to take place in Apia, Samoa on September 4-8, 2017.
The officials meeting discussed wide ranging issues from the EU-Pacific Partnership programs, to Regional Programs, the strengthening of regionalism and the role of Forum Foreign Ministers Meeting in this context.
A number of issues were recommended for endorsement, considerations and recommendations by Forum leaders in Apia this September.
Notable issues raised at the series of meetings include the RAMSI experience in Solomon Islands, Pacific Regionalism and Financing Options, Fisheries and Oceans agenda, Climate Change related matters, enhanced EU-PACP collaboration as well as the EU/ACP Post – Cotonou Agenda.
Senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade returned to Honiara at the weekend whilst Minister Tozaka Minister and his Permanent Secretary Mr Peter Kenilorea (Jr) will be joining Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare on his state visit to Australia this week.