Auki health centre, Malaita province is being hit hard with staff shortage fortnight ago forcing the clinic to suspend services every weekend.
Reports reaching this paper revealed that the shortage of nursing staff forced the clinic to suspend all weekend services.
“The clinics would only open to serve or attend to any patients five days during the week and close on weekends.
“All the patients who like to go to the clinic on weekends have to resort to other nearest clinics in and around Auki town or Kilu’ufi hospital,” it was revealed said.
Meanwhile, a registered staff from the health centre confirmed that the clinic faces staff shortage and its weekend opening hours is now suspended until further notice.
He said that people are advice to go to other nearest clinics or Kilu’ufi Hospital for medical attention during the weekends.
“We hope this issue would be addressed as soon as possible so that weekend services can resume as normal.
“Also he said that measles vaccinations have also run out of stock and people will be informed once it is available in stock,” he said.
Since the suspension of weekend services patients have to travel to Kilu’ufi or to other nearest health centre whenever there is any emergency cases during the weekends.
Patients are calling on the responsible authorities to address the issue as soon as possible.
In Auki