SINTA condemns action in strongest term
A FOURTEEN year old male student at Panatina community high school (CHS) in east Honiara was bashed up which landed the victim at hospital, forcing the school to halt classes, last week.
The incident occurred last Thursday at the school____s vicinity at about 8.30 to 9am, according to the school____s deputy principal Sam Tereinao.
This young lad was bashed by outsiders who are relatives of his female class mate, after both students got themselves into a heated argument.
Mr Tereinao said that this is the second time such incident have had happened at the school, where he described the recent one last Thursday as ‘unacceptable’.
The deputy school boss claimed that the incident started when the 14-year-old accidentally caused his classmate to fall.
“This is where the argument begins.
________They then exchanged the use of abusive words towards each other, causing the relatives of the female to make their way, searching for the boy in the school compound that morning.
“________The female student then led two of her relatives, then spotted the boy in their classroom.
“To the victim’s shock and surprise, the relatives of the female student bashed the young man severely which left him unconscious,” Mr Tereinao said.
The police was then informed of the incident which saw the victim being rushed to the National Referral Hospital (NRH) for serious medical attention.
The Solomon Islands National Teachers Association (SINTA) yesterday in strongest term deplored the basting incident.
This is the second time such incident occurred at the school.
Speaking to Solomon Star yesterday, SINTA Chairman for Honiara branch and a chief for Gilbert Camp, Frank Roboolite’e said such action is unacceptable.
Mr Roboolite’e added that it is not right for students or anyone to take law into our own hands let alone school administration or teachers to deal with issues concerning its students.
“I strongly condemn such act and my advice to student of Panatina CHS is always seek help from your teacher (s) when you notice or see something is not right.
“…never take laws into your own hands, if you do, you are looking for trouble and students never take school matters to outsiders,” he said.
Meanwhile, police in a statement said they expect to arrest those who attacked the 14-year-old male student last week.
The statement said Naha police is in charge of the investigation.
“The suspects to the attack are expected to be arrested soon,” the police said.
In the wake of the incident, police urged teachers and heads of schools to play an active role in ensuring such unwanted incidents are not repeated in the future.
“Parents entrusted the safety and security of their children in the hands of teachers when they are at school.
“The police will deal with very serious unwanted behaviors that result in injuries to persons and to school properties.
“School heads are further urged to tighten up school rules to deal with minor or petty issues to avoid unwanted behavior in schools.”