It was a small group of mothers in a small community of Nazareth Apostolic Centre. They began with the holy Eucharist on Sunday 10th May 2015. The mothers collected $100.00 each and made a very lovely and joyful evening party.
Agnes Kalinamae, president of the Catholic women of Nazareth Apostolic Centre organized it. They kept it sweet and simple. The combine celebration between the students families and surrounding communities was successful because of their own hard work.
Fr. Jim Nolan in his sermon on Sunday morning mass encouraged those attended to have LOVE and JOY in the family.
He continued to notify those attended the Holy Mass how much the mothers loved their babies by humbly taking very good care of them.
“See how much the mothers loved their babies. They humbly attended every cry of their babies. They never went to bed to have peaceful sleeping if the baby sick. They stay up all night lovingly taking care of the baby.” Fr. Jim said during his Sunday sermon.
Fr. Clement Tavoruka suggested that if all dads can have a silent time listening to the mothers on Mothers’ like this it will be good. Dads must listen to their wives and do whatever they’ve told to do. Mother’s Day should be father’s silent free Labor Day.
By Joe Vidiki