Tenants that have resided at the KHY Seafront in Gizo, Western Province on Monday have expressed concern over the demolition exercise on their properties.
The demolition operation was ordered by the Sheriff of the High Court last week.
As a result of the operation, many were left homeless with their properties.
Police Response Unit (PRU) over the weekend ordered most of the tenants to pack their properties to allow the dismantling of the properties.
Several tenants left with their properties including coppers, timbers and other things to seek shelter from their relatives yesterday evening.
Speaking to the paper in an interview, one of the tenants Ronet Maelagi who also owns a fuel depot at the KHY Seafront emotionally told the Solomon Star on Monday that as a Solomon Islands citizen it is a sad thing to watch your properties, homes, and businesses being dismantled.
Ms. Maelagi is the daughter of Paul Lepese who was arrested by the Police on Saturday night over the land issue at KHY Seafront.
She told the paper that PRU has forced them to remove coppers from their buildings and other things because a machine will remove everything.
“My petrol drums were removed from the shed. We cannot do anything knowing it is the order from the Sheriff of the High Court,” she said.
With nowhere to go, she said she will now have to find ways to continue to operate her business.
The closure of the KHY Seafront has affected many boats coming in from the nearby islands into Gizo because their landing site has been sealed off.
Ms. Maelagi the KHY landing site has provided a space for many outboard motors.
“This landing site accommodates many people from the neighbouring islands to as far as Bougainville, Choiseul, Vella and Rannoga. They have used this place for a very long time to store their cargoes or take shelter,” she said.
Jones Adventist College (JAC) a high school based in Vella has always used the site to store its cargoes.
Students that passed through Gizo usually use the place for accommodation.
Members of the public in Gizo and the surrounding areas have expressed their anger over the latest move in closing off the KHY Seafront.