LILACH Panda has broken all odds to be the first Ughele female referee who has undertaken a refereeing course at the Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF) Academy and made refereeing her career job.
Under her refereeing belt, she officiated football matches in the Solrais Women’s Super League in Honiara and the Kenwood Harry’s Cup recently hosted at the Turanga soccer pitch in Ughele village last month.
FIFA Badge referee Shama Maemae attested that Panda used to do training with her and she has not seen Panda for a while, but complimented her appearance at the Harry’s Cup as one of the games officiators.
“I haven’t seen her for a while. She used to do training with me,” Maemae said.
During the Harry’s Cup, an 11-a-side soccer code tournament, Panda assisted Don Orelly, another SIFF-trained referee and Stanton Sevulu, a hand-picked assistant referee, to assist during the tournament.
Panda took on lineswoman tasks in the tournament by executing a total of 44 games within the time-frame of two weeks.
Her refereeing story will be a living inspiration for girls from Ughele and the country as whole who aspire to take up football refereeing as a career.
Solomon Star, Honiara