POLICE have received reports from Maoro village in Malaita of some youths grouping up intending to attack another village there.
Supervising Commissioner for the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Juanita Matanga on Thursday said some youths from Maoro village allegedly grouped up intending to launch an attack at Fulikafo village.
“This is something to do with the Kingdom Believers movement,” Ms Matanga said.
She said having received the report on Wednesday police went and talked with the people at those two villages to resolve the misunderstanding between them.
“They were all able to resolve the issue in custom as a result of the discussions between them.”
She said the leader of the religious group, Kemuel Kaleni, 83, from Central Kwara’ae was then invited to come out to the media and explained their side of the story.
Ms Matanga said the leader was invited to make an explanation to ensure people are fully informed about the religious group.
She also made an appeal to people in Fulikafo and Maoro villages to abide by the law.
“If anyone knows any information about this religious group, then contact the Auki Police because this will help us to go down to the people and talk about issues affecting them.
“Don’t take your grievances into your own hands because if you do, it will cause more problems for you and those who live in the communities,” Ms Matanga said.
Meanwhile, Ms Matanga added that Auki police are continuing to monitor the Religious group.