Women of North Central Guadalcanal converged at the Navola community in North Central Guadalcanal yesterday to celebrate2014 international day of peace(IDP)
Voice Blo Mere Solomons (VBMS) together with Winds of Change organized the event.
Women participants came from a number of communities such as Vulu, Sopapera, Dodo Creek and Fox Wood villages and parts of Guadalcanal plains.
Nearly thirty active women and youths attended the program. Most of them participated in the event by asking various questions based on their experiences in the community level and education.
Sharing some of the key points about international peace day was Lisa Horiwapu of VBMS who highlighted the importance of peace as a means of security and creating peace amongst their communities and the families.
The day was celebrated to allow the rural women to better understand the importance of peace,their roles and responsibilitiesin the community level when it comes to promoting peace.
Ms Horiwapu also noted how women are important in making decision based on the UN Security Council Resolution 1325.
She explained the peace day does not mean peace after conflict or war but its peace where everybody should live without fear, hatred, instability and live happily.
“If family experiences food shortage in home it will create frustration and sometimes conflict arises within the family,” Horiwapu said.
VBMS director Josephine Taekeni said its important that women must make the right decisions when it comes to family matters and developments.
President of women federation for world peace in Solomon Islands Alice Houanihau said women must a have vision to make good decisions that can lead to creating peace in their families and communities.
Wrapping up the program Pricilla Banawho represented all the women participants acknowledged Voice Blo Mere Solomons and Wind of Change in facilitating the program for women in the area.
“Because of this event,we can now better understand our roles and responsibilities when it comes to promoting peace,” she said.
It was the first time for such an event to be staged at Navola.