WOMEN are encouraged to join the seasonal workers scheme currently offered by Australia and New Zealand.
The encouragement came from Harriet Sale from Gold Ridge area in central Guadalcanal.
Ms Sale has been on the scheme on three consecutive terms.
She told Vois Blo Mere Solomons that picking apples in New Zealand is very profitable as long as you mean business with your time there.
“When I go there, I work as an apple packer, which involves grading of apples and packing them before marketing,” Ms Sale said.
She added the work is simple and brings good money at the end of the day.
“Harvesting apples in New Zealand is for boys because it is a hard job but for women we were assigned to do packing or selecting apples for the markets.
“During my time there, I really enjoyed it. We always eat well and stay good,” she said.
Ms Sale said the only challenge is how to managing the money they earned.
She said she is now a happy mother because from her earnings, she was able to meet her family’s needs.
“I want to encourage women that you if have a chance, go! Don’t wait for money to come to you.
“There are many things that will bring money to us and one of them is joining the seasonal worker scheme.”
Ms Sale said the one who helped her to go to New Zealand was a good friend of her mum.
“The only thing that will make your going there meaningless is if you don’t have aims.
“You need to have a goal before you go there and work so that whatever money you received goes towards that aim.
“I am now a happy woman after travelling on three consecutive trips.”