YOUTHS in and outside of Honiara are preparing for the Youth Market.
Due to its growing success in the previous months, the Youth Market has attracted many young people all over Honiara and now from outside as well.
One of them is the St Jude band.
They are a group of youths from Visale, West Guadalcanal, and they will be participating in the Youth Market for the first time.
“We heard about Youth Market live band application and we applied because we wanted to show our talent in Honiara like the other youth too,” said St Jude band spokesman, Michael Nisi.
“We’ve never played live anywhere, only in our village so we are very excited,” he added.
The festive event will be filled with live entertainment and food and product stalls from our local youth.
The Market begins tomorrow and ends on Saturday at the Art Gallery compound at 10 am – 6pm.
The Youth Market provides a venue for young entrepreneurs to sell their products and young artists to showcase their talent.
Youth @ Work is implemented by SPC with the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labor and Immigration and the Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace. It is fully funded by the Australian Aid bilateral program.