Serve One Another

Once again, I invite you to our continuing discussion on the ‘One Another’ sayings of the New Testament. This week we will look at the sixteenth of the ‘One Another’ sayings and that is to “Serve One Another” (Galatians 5:13). I will begin by telling a story about a man who had married for ten…

GPPOL set for new management?

Landowners disturbed by reports of takeover REPORTS have surfaced that the country’s leading Palm Oil producer Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil Limited (GPPOL) as of next month would come under a new management. GIPPOL is currently being owned by foreign investors with land owners having only a minimum of twenty percent shares in the company. However…

Panga calls for increase wage

The former Premier of Guadalcanal Province, Stephen Panga says workers need better pay as Solomon Islanders now experience a very high cost of living. Mr Panga said state workers and those in the private sector need pay increases because imported and locally produced goods are way beyond affordability. He said it is high time the…