LEADERS that have participated in the recent Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) Leaders Summit in Honiara have agreed that next year will be the ‘Pacific Year of the Ocean.’
The agreement was a follow up of this year’s summit theme ‘Stewardship for Healthy Oceans and Healthy Nations’.
Speaking at the closing of the Summit in Honiara on Wednesday, PIDF’s new Chair and the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands Manasseh Sogavare urged all the member countries to join forces with the secretariat to see how the importance of the ocean to our children can be pushed on further.
With the idea now put forward, Mr Sogavare said he will bring the concept to the MSG Leaders Summit for the Melanesian countries to consider seeing how they can fit into its implementation.
“For this purpose I would like to bring this concept the upcoming Melanesian Spearhead Group Leaders Summit for their consideration to see how some collaborative effort can be harnessed.
“Excellencies, this is a unique space to have such discussions and as members of PIDF I commend the common mind we have had today and the creative ways we have agreed with to deal with these pressing challenges,” Prime Minister Sogavare stated.
He said he is humbled by the support rendered to him by the PIDF member countries and that he is looking forward to engaging with them as they continue to build this common endeavour – the Pacific Islands Development Forum.