Three new faces elected to SICCI Board

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) has two new faces on its Board of Directors, following the latest elections of Board Members. This was during the Chamber’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 25th March 2020 at the Heritage Park Hotel in Honiara. Chairman, Jay Bartlett will continue his leadership of the…

Electoral Commission: Two By-Election Postponed

Although the Electoral Commission had initially indicated publicly that the by-Elections for Central Honiara and North East Guadalcanal Constituencies will be conducted in June, the intensity of our country-wide preparation to prevent the coronavirus from entering our country and containing it as soon as it reaches our shores, the conduct of the by-elections have been…

RSIPF investigate alleged firearm incident

Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police force (RSIPF) in Honiara have arrested a suspect following an alleged incident of discharging a firearm in the Tinge Ridge area in West Honiara on 22 March 2020.  Director of the National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) Chief Superintendent John Rove says, “The suspect was arrested but yet to…

More Malaitans return home 

More Malaitans are returning home this week from Honiara for the fear of contracting coronavirus (COVID-19) once it reaches Honiara. This is evident in the increasing number of people traveling back to Malaita Province via ships over the past days. According to observation, usually the month of March records low arrival from Honiara over the…

Talasasa: be responsible, take precaution

THE PEOPLE of Western Province (WP) are being reminded that they themselves must take responsibility for their actions in the prevention against the coronavirus (COVID-19) from spreading. The call was made by WP Member of Assembly for Ward 16 Ramrakha Talasasa amidst the current national viral scare saying; “if we the people are so concerned…

Gizo town takes action

The Western Province Government (WPG) under Provincial Disaster Committee (PDC) had issued a notice on Wednesday for the closure and cancellation of a number of activities in Gizo. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Provincial Disaster Committee Patrick Toireana, the new regulation was made in light of the growing threat from the current COVID-19…