OUR PARTY: “No other govt has delivered more game changing and transformative reforms”  

At a time when division and discord dominate Solomon Islands political landscape, the Ownership, Unity, Responsibility Party (OUR Party) stands as a beacon of hope and unity, says President of OUR Party, Jimson Fiau Tanangada. OUR Party President Mr. Tanangada boldly made the statement during the Party’s Policy Manifesto launch days ago.  “National ‘Ownership, Unity…


UP vows to reevaluate SI-China Security Pact, reestablish ties with Taiwan and maintain China as development partner SOLOMON Islands United Party (UP) has declared its intention to reassess the country’s security agreement with China should it secure a position in a coalition government after the upcoming April elections. The current caretaker Democratic Coalition Government for…

MHMS partners with KOICA to boost maternal and child healthcare

THE Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) have signed a Record of Discussions that will boost maternal healthcare in Solomon Islands. The MHMS Permanent Secretary Pauline McNeil and the KOICA Country Director Kapchae Ra signed the documents at the World Health Organization Country Representative office recently. The…


Landmark trade and development agreement reviewed in SI to assess benefits & determine possible modifications THE Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus (PACER Plus) has undergone a general review in Solomon Islands to assess its benefits to the country. PACER) Plus which is dubbed a landmark trade and development agreement aims to raise living…

RSIPF welcome 68 new recruits

The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) welcomed 68 new recruits at Rove police headquarters on 12 February 2023. The total 68 recruits consist of 48 males and 22 females and they represent all the nine provinces of the Solomon Islands. The new recruits will undergo18 weeks of intensive training which will involve a lot…


SIEC reminds electoral officials of core election values, increases manpower to deliver joint elections ELECTORAL officers have been reminded that in order for elections to truly reflect the will of the people, they are to uphold the core values of integrity, neutrality, transparency, fairness and respect voter secrecy. The reminder was issued by the Solomon…