DALA Anglican Parish in West Kwara’ae in Malaita province has organized a youth rally for five days commencing Saturday 24th September.
Youths from Buma and Aitea from Central region including St Paul, Auki from Keava region as well as St Michael Ngongosila from the eastern region took part in the five days event.
The official opening of the rally began later in the afternoon with a colouful parade from the Dala North play ground to the church compound.
The boy scouts from Dala troop headed the parade and Samson Ramofai being the parade master.
After raising of flags by the scouts, the chairman of Dala Parish Jacob Malaba gave the welcome address.
The guest speaker was Fr Davidson Wairamo while the dean of St Barnabas Provincial cathedral gave the key note address.
The theme of the youth rally was “Empowering youths for the future”.
Fr Davidson pointed out that some of the key issues affecting our youths include urban drift, alcohol and drug abuse and stealing.
With the good teaching programmes throughout the week, the youth members will truly be empowered to make good decisions concerning their future, it was highlighted.
Such gathering for the youths should be encouraged and all stakeholders must invest more on our youths the leaders of tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Dala scout troop will recruit new boys shortly after this rally.