Dear Editor – Allow me a space in your column to express my view as a voter from Northwest Guadalcanal on an article by a Rodney Taraha from Kakabona village, published in your paper on May 1st 2017, regarding donation provided by our MP for Northwest Guadalcanal to his voters.
Mr Taraha, we the voters of the current MP are very happy with the good work that he has done so far and must admit that Mr Dettke has done what no past MP has done to us.
The items that you are complaining about were not cheap but valuable to our women.
We understand that the project, which cost $200,000 if divided amongst the 1,000 women, each will receive $200 instead our women received items more valuable than the $200.
As a husband, I was very pleased to see the smiles on the face of those women who received the household items, and trays.
Our MP is a very considerate person and he has put to good use the money intended for women’s project.
Mr Taraha, for your information, we the voters of the current MP Bodo Dettke will continue to support his good work and acknowledge the manner in which the constituency projects are handled.
Just yesterday, I met another friend of mine who received a fishing project and told me how lucky he was to have received assistance from the Northwest Guadalcanal MP.
He is now selling fish at the Honiara main market.
Although my friend did not give me any free fish, I am glad he also benefitted from the North West Guadalcanal Office and is now self-reliant.
Thank you Mr Dettke and your team for the housing project, the agriculture tools, the solar panels, the water tanks and accessories we have received.
Thank you for supporting my kids with schools fees and most of all for considering the importance of our women folks.
Dudley Fa’asi
Burns Creek